We had a very wet weekend, especially Saturday, but despite this my husband and children, along with about 20 others, floated down the Waikato River on tyre tubes! I will post some photos if I am able to get some ok ones. I was very fortunate to be able to stay at home, warm and dry, and get some stitching done. I have almost completed the Birdhouse block stitchery for the Vignette mystery quilt but don't have a photo at this stage.
Although I have always loved crafts and had made some quilts before, I hadn't made time for it for quite a few years, but in December 2009 I caught the crafty bug again so I thought it would be fun to document my 'makings' since then on this blog!
So in December 2009 the first thing I made was this Folk Santa from a kit I purchased at the annual Needlecraft Fair.
Folk Santa |
That was enough to get me inspired, so next I made two Christmas stockings for the kids which had been on my to do list for years! I used a Tilda pattern from the book "Crafting Christmas Gifts".
Christmas stockings - Crafting Christmas Gifts by Tilda |
January 2010 makings will be next ...
Happy stitching.